Catania: Man fined for prostitution client driving without license

Explanation: The article describes an anti-prostitution operation that took place in Catania, Italy. The operation targeted several streets in the historic center and the San Berillo neighborhood, where three foreign women were identified. Additionally, a driver was fined for violating traffic laws by stopping in the middle of the road and conversing with one of the women. Another man was fined for illegal parking, despite having past criminal convictions and a recent order prohibiting him from staying in the area. The article also mentions a police check at a betting shop, where 13 customers, including 5 with criminal records, were identified. One customer was found in possession of marijuana and was reported for personal use. In total, 148 people were identified, including 33 with criminal records, and 10 fines were issued for various infractions such as driving without insurance, without a helmet, without a valid driver’s license, without a vehicle inspection, and for obstructing traffic.

Catania, controlli anti-prostituzione: multa a un «cliente» per intralcio al traffico e guida senza patente

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