Catania house occupied: Carabinieri find Indian hemp plantation, dog, six turtles

Unknown individuals in Catania had set up an Indian hemp greenhouse in an apartment on the top floor of a building in the neighborhood of Picanello without the owner’s knowledge. The discovery was made by the landlady, a 47-year-old woman, who immediately notified the carabinieri, who found the plantation in the attic with numerous plants almost a meter high, equipped with halogen lamps and a portable air conditioner.

The military also seized containers filled with Indian hemp seeds, already dried leaves, and 16 ready-to-sell doses. The carabinieri found a mixed-breed dog locked up, which was immediately entrusted to veterinarians affiliated with the Municipality and placed in a facility in Pedara. On the balcony with a veranda, they also discovered a terrarium with 6 Hermann’s tortoises, a protected species, which were taken by specialized forestry military personnel.

Catania, le occupano la casa: i carabinieri trovano una serra di canapa indiana, un cane e sei tartarughe

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