Catania, at the Brancati Theatre, we start over with three

The Teatro della città – Centro di Produzione Teatrale is preparing to start the new and rich 2023-2024 season, following the theme “Courage and Passion… Let’s start from three.” The season will feature contemporary dramas, sitcoms, innovative plays, monologues, workshops, and a focus on contemporary Sicilian drama. The program will include dozens of shows on the stages of Catania’s Teatro Vitaliano Brancati and Piccolo Teatro della Città, as well as the Teatro Comunale in Siracusa. The season aims to mark a new beginning after the uncertainty brought by the Covid pandemic and offers a variety of productions, tours, and collaborations with other theaters, universities, and international theater organizations. The season starts on November 2 with a production of Luigi Pirandello’s “Liolà” and will also include works by Arthur Miller, Eduardo De Filippo, and Andrea Camilleri, among others. The season at the Piccolo Teatro della Città will focus on original works and will run from November to March.

Catania, al teatro Brancati si ricomincia da tre

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