Castelvetrano: Bomb explodes at night, intimidating a criminal

Night of terror in Castelvetrano for a strong explosion. It happened just before midnight in Via Villa Cappello, where a bomb went off. First the bang heard throughout the Palma neighborhood, then the alarm to the emergency number 112, launched by some residents.

The explosion occurred in the stairwell of the building where a criminal, Leonardo Milazzo, lives, involved in the anti-mafia operation Year Zero, conducted by the carabinieri in 2018. The investigators’ lead is that of intimidation: in front of the residence, the firefighters also found some flowers. The explosion was so strong that it shattered the windows of some homes in the area.

The carabinieri of the Castelvetrano company arrived on the scene, carried out the surveys, and started the investigation to identify those responsible. Milazzo had been sentenced to six years and ten months, he was released from prison in October. There were no reported injuries.

Castelvetrano, intimidazione a un pregiudicato: esplode un ordigno nella notte

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