Casteldaccia massacre: Victim’s lawyers claim it was a preventable tragedy due to safety violations

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” A tragedy foretold, like many others, born from the usual stages of subcontracting: contracts, subcontracts, contractors, made without controls.” The lawyers of the La Barbera family, Giuseppe Emanuele Greco and Ornella Cialona, are speaking. They reached the Policlinico hospital around 10:30. At the Policlinico in Palermo, today is the day of autopsies of the workers who died on Monday (May 6) in Casteldaccia. Among them is the temporary worker Giuseppe La Barbera, 28 years old, who was in charge of road signage control. The La Barbera family has a gas cylinder and household goods store in via Musco behind the Carmine church in the Ballarò district, and for this reason, they are known by almost all residents of the area. Today, in front of the Policlinico, the family’s lawyers also point the finger at the safety regulations during the tragic intervention of the team in the sewage system of Casteldaccia. “One thing is certain,” continues Greco, “if they all died, there will be a blatant violation of safety measures. We trust the authorities to find those responsible.” At the moment, among the most credible theories is the possibility that the workers descended on their own initiative. A thesis that is not supported by the lawyers: “This is the first thing that is said by those who try to exonerate themselves from their responsibilities, I do not believe in personal initiatives. They obviously knew where they should go, but we await the investigations, which will also concern the Quadrifoglio company: there is obviously also a supervision issue.” Lawyer Cialona also spoke to the family in the past few hours. “A family that has lost a husband, a son, a father – she emphasized – any comment would be superfluous. We are talking about an immense tragedy: one’s husband, father goes to work and never returns.”

Strage di Casteldaccia, i legali di una delle vittime: «Tragedia annunciata, violate le norme di sicurezza»

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