Casteldaccia massacre: Law allows hiring victims’ relatives.

There is a national law that could be used to provide job opportunities to orphans or close relatives of the five workers who lost their lives in the tragedy of Casteldaccia. This law was previously applied in Sicily 16 years ago after another similar workplace accident in Mineo, Catania, where six people died. The law allows for the hiring of surviving children or spouses, equating the situation of those who have suffered a fatal workplace accident to that of victims of mafia or terrorism. The article also mentions a previous case where the Region intervened to hire the family members of victims of a workplace accident, highlighting the importance of supporting those who have experienced a serious loss. The article also discusses the lack of safety measures in place at both the Casteldaccia and Mineo incidents. The idea of enacting a new law to allow for direct hiring of family members of workplace accident victims is being proposed by a regional deputy. The article includes a photo of the difficult recovery operations of the bodies in Mineo in 2008.

La strage di Casteldaccia, c’è una legge per assumere i familiari delle vittime

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