Casteldaccia massacre, cousin remembers Ignazio Giordano: “A gentleman we will never forget”

“Ignazio was a gentleman, an exceptional person in every way. Never a quarrel, total love for his children, an unforgettable man.” Speaking with tears in his eyes at Ignazio Giordano’s funeral is his cousin, Giovanni Tamburello, interviewed by Alessandra Costanza for Tgs.

“He was all about home and family,” recalls the relative of one of the workers who died in Casteldaccia. “His only hobby was soccer, he was a Juventus fan, we often teased each other, since I’m an Inter fan, we exchanged messages when there were matches. There wasn’t anyone who didn’t love him, a well-respected person who we will always remember.”

Tamburello then recalls the terrible moments, shortly after the tragedy: “I informed Ignazio’s older brother, he was in Pisa, I told him that a tragedy had occurred and to take the next flight, but he imagined something had happened to their father. I picked him up at the airport, tried to reassure him but the pain was too strong.”

Strage di Casteldaccia, il cugino ricorda Ignazio Giordano: «Un galantuomo che non dimenticheremo»

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