Carini volunteers bring stray dogs to the town hall: reported

Four activists from the animal protection association Enpa have been reported by the municipal police of Carini for disrupting public service. They entered the town hall with seven stray dogs to protest against the municipality’s neglect of the strays. The activists claim that they have been left with no choice but to take matters into their own hands because the association’s funds have run out. The police recovered the abandoned dogs and they were taken in by local residents. The municipality has a contract with a private healthcare facility to handle the strays, but the allocated funds have already been used up. The municipality is now looking for additional funding to support the animals. The activists argue that they had requested the municipality to take responsibility for three stray puppies or allow the association to take care of them with shared expenses, but their requests were denied.

Carini, i volontari portano i cani randagi in Comune: denunciati

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