Carini mourns beloved actor and director Ciccio Randazzo, Mayor Monteleone: “We lose a son in love with his country”

Carini in tears over the passing of Ciccio Randazzo, an actor and director who was 79 years old. He had been battling a illness for some time and the news of his death has deeply affected the entire community, where he was loved and appreciated. There have been numerous messages of condolence shared on social media that demonstrate the affection of his fellow citizens, as well as those who had worked with him.

The mayor of Carini, Giovì Monteleone, expressed words of great esteem: “The actor, director, deep connoisseur of the history of our territory and author of several books about our municipality, administrator of the Carini stable theater, founder of the MeRa film artistic training agency and founding member of the local branch of the Archeoclub of Italy, Ciccio Randazzo has left us. He described himself in a post on his blog as follows: ‘I consider myself differently young enriched by three passions that have always crowned my life. In order of time: theater, local history, and family, the latter became primary out of love, dedication, and support received. I met and married a very talented and beautiful woman, who over time gave me three jewels… my three wonderful children. And it is to his wife Teresa, his children Marianna, Giampiero, and Luciano, and his brother Giovanni – the mayor continues – that my deepest condolences go. Today all of Carini is in mourning because it loses a son, in love with his country, an active citizen who has given so much to the community.”

And also: “Rest in peace dear Ciccio – writes Giovanni – my wonderful friend, companion of a thousand adventures and an extremely generous person. Art in all its shades was your life. A mind always at work, searching for new things, stimuli, and culture. Goodbye.” He is also remembered by his friend Fabrizio: “I still can’t believe it, I hoped until the last moment that the situation could improve, that we could continue to collaborate, work, and embrace each other. And instead I have to say goodbye to you, dear Ciccio. Here all of Carini mourns for you, you have left an indelible mark because your bond with this territory was very strong and full of love. Goodbye my friend, we will never forget you.”

Condolences also come from the Theatrical Association Atma of Montelepre, the president Eleonora Gaglio writes: “We had the pleasure of meeting him, collaborating with him, and working with him. Ciccio Randazzo was a man of great cultural depth, he was a master to us.” “A true artist – writes Mariano – a humble man who knew how to teach the art with immense wisdom. Thank you Ciccio, from all of us.”

Carini piange l’attore e regista Ciccio Randazzo, il sindaco Monteleone: «Perdiamo un figlio innamorato del suo paese»

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