Carini introduces app for fines and administrative notifications: “Saving time and costs”

The article describes a new digital notification service called Send, implemented by the municipal police of Carini in Sicily. This service allows citizens to receive real-time notifications regarding fines, administrative sanctions, road traffic violations, ordinances, and municipal regulations. It simplifies communication processes and has legal value. The town hall of Carini has adopted this new digital infrastructure, which aims to streamline notification procedures and reduce time and costs. The system can be accessed via Pec or through the Io app. This technology, implemented with the support of PagoPA S.p.A., the Department for Digital Transformation of the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Maggioli Group, enhances the efficiency, security, and user experience of notifications. This digital process supplements the traditional analog notification process, offering more options for sending, receiving, managing, controlling, and storing legal communications. The article also highlights that the municipality of Carini is the first in Sicily and the 31st in Italy to implement this service, which can be accessed through various digital platforms. Users with a certified digital address or the Io app can easily manage notifications, view documents, and make online payments. In case of absence of digital contact details, notifications will be sent via traditional registered mail.
A Carini arriva l’app per la notifica di multe e comunicazioni amministrative: «Risparmieremo tempo e costi»
Sicilian news
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