Carabinieri find 175 grams of hashish under moped seat, arrest Augusta

The Mobile Unit of the Carabinieri in Augusta arrested a 41-year-old Tunisian man for drug trafficking. During a preventive service, the military stopped the man while he was driving a moped and tried to evade the control, but was ultimately caught and identified. Upon personal and vehicle search, an envelope was found hidden under the moped saddle containing 175 grams of hashish and 800 euros in various banknotes, believed to be proceeds from drug dealing. The man was arrested and placed under house arrest, as ordered by the judicial authorities. The moped was confiscated and the driver fined around 6,000 euros for driving without insurance and a license.

Augusta, i carabinieri scovano sotto la sella del ciclomotore 175 grammi di hashish, arrestato

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