Carabiniere on vacation in Catania foils car theft

An off-duty marshal of the carabinieri, working in Florence and on vacation in Catania, was walking with his girlfriend along Viale Kennedy when he saw a thief tinkering with a screwdriver on the door of a Fiat 500 parked near beach number 2. The marshal immediately alerted the Catania police central office, which sent some patrol cars for support. The patrol cars arrived in a matter of minutes, and while one crew, along with the marshal, apprehended the thief, a 33-year-old criminal from Catania, another patrol confirmed that the car had been rented by a Polish tourist couple enjoying the mild weather on the beach. The man was searched and found with burglary tools, leading to his arrest for attempted aggravated theft and possession of lock-picking tools. The two tourists, on the other hand, were able to peacefully conclude their vacation in Sicily.

Carabiniere in vacanza a Catania sventa un furto d’auto

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