Car thieves in action in Ragusa: wave of thefts in parents’ cars while dropping off kids at school

In just a few minutes, cars are being broken into and the thieves are making off with their loot. This is happening in front of the Palazzello school in Ragusa, where many parents have been alerting the authorities in recent days. Thieves are targeting cars left unattended for just a few moments, stealing items such as cell phones, bags, and groceries. They are skillfully manipulating the locks and striking while parents are dropping off their children at school during the day. The police have launched an investigation and are working to identify the culprits. Similar incidents have been reported in Palermo as well, with thieves targeting cars parked outside schools. In that case, the authorities were able to identify and arrest a 48-year-old suspect.

Ladri in azione a Ragusa: scia di furti nelle auto dei genitori che lasciano i bimbi a scuola

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