Car theft in Milan and the thief is infatuated with victim

Singer Levante experienced the fourth car theft under her home in Milan. She joked that the thief must be in love with her and trying to get her attention. She shared the story on Instagram with sarcasm, calling it a “love story” and sarcastically inviting followers to “follow me for more romantic and loyal stories.” She expressed bitterness over the theft of her recently replaced car and described the routine of reporting the theft at the police station. The third stolen car was found in Benevento, and she didn’t bother to identify it, expecting a call from Cinisello Balsamo after the fourth theft. As predicted, the car was soon located in the outskirts of Milan, and Levante recovered it.
Quarto furto d’auto per Levante a Milano: «Sicuramente il ladro si è innamorato di me»
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