Car driver in Palermo noticed visible depression in road just before tragedy: “There was a noticeable sinking, the asphalt was giving way”

Francesco Guagliardo, a young man from Palermo, was able to avoid a deadly pothole on Viale Regione Siciliana because he was in the passing lane at the time of the accident. Many other drivers have also pointed out the poor condition of the road surface from Ponte Bonagia to the former roundabout on Via Oreto. Guagliardo, who frequently drives on this road for work, noticed the pothole around 2:10 pm while merging onto the highway. Despite the heavy traffic, he was able to avoid hitting the pothole. He believes that heavy vehicles might have contributed to the road’s deterioration, leading to the tragic accident that claimed the life of Samuele Fuschi.

Palermo, un automobilista in viale Regione poco prima della tragedia: «C’era un avvallamento vistoso, l’asfalto stava cedendo»

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