Car and motorcycle collide in Alia, two motorcyclists injured

Impact between a compact car and a motorcycle with fortunately non serious consequences. The incident occurred today in Alia, around 1 PM along the state road 121 “La Catanese” between the junction of Marcatobianco and the one of the architectural complex of the Grotte della Gurfa, three kilometers from the junction of Alia, in the Palermo area.

In the crash, on whose dynamics the carabinieri of the Lercara Friddi company are investigating, two motorcyclists traveling on a high-displacement motorcycle were injured. The driver and the passenger of the compact car, on the other hand, were unharmed. The young man who was riding the motorcycle suffered wounds, deep abrasions, and fractures to his left leg, while the girl who was riding with him was rather shaken by the impact. At the time of their arrival at the Lercara Friddi hospital, both young people were conscious, and then they were transported to the nearest hospital in two ambulances of the 118 emergency service. The traffic on the state road remained blocked for about 90 minutes.

Auto e moto si scontrano ad Alia, feriti due motociclisti

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