Cantine Kàggera: passion and territory in perfect balance

Cantine Kàggera represent a perfect combination of passion for viticulture, respect for the territory, and technological innovation. Thanks to these characteristics, it continues to be a reference point in the Sicilian wine landscape, offering wines that express the authenticity and richness of its terroir. Cantine Kàggera benefit from a particularly favorable microclimate for vine cultivation. The vines grow in mineral-rich soils, which give the wines a unique and complex aromatic bouquet. The company covers about 1500 hectares, divided among various vineyards, each with specific characteristics that contribute to the variety and quality of the wines produced.

The philosophy of Cantine Kàggera is based on a perfect balance between tradition and innovation. While maintaining traditional and environmentally friendly cultivation methods, the company does not hesitate to use the most modern winemaking technologies to ensure the highest quality of its products. This approach has allowed the winery to receive numerous awards both nationally and internationally. Cantine Kàggera was founded in 1970, and over the years the producers have come together to become a large-scale reality. Today, the winery is located in Calatafimi Segesta and has over 500 members. The production amounts to over 6 million liters. Cantine Kàggera, thanks to its numerous hectares of land, produces different types of wines: white grape, red grape, but also organic grape-based. The modern winemaking techniques make the products of the winery unique. The wines produced are catarratto, zibibbo, grillo chardonnay for whites, while the reds are merlot, syrah, cabernet, and nero d’Avola. For years, Cantine Kàggera has mainly produced two types of wines, deriving from two varieties of cultivated grape: white grape (70%) and red grape (30%). The wines of Cantine Kàggera are increasingly produced year after year from organic grapes.

Cantine Kàggera, l’equilibrio tra passione e territorio

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