Caltanissetta residents hold sit-in for water, distribution every 6 days

Associations, parties, various citizens, but also the mayors of the province, participated in Caltanissetta in front of the Water Territorial Assembly to claim the right to water. Water distribution, which is currently on a 6-day rotation in the capital, has seen further delays in the last hours due to a malfunction in the auxiliary intake system with floating rafts at the Ancipa reservoir, caused by a fault along the line.

The Vicar of the Bishop, Monsignor Onofrio Castelli, was warmly applauded for urging politicians not to make promises they cannot keep. “Sometimes – he said – it is better to remain silent than to speak a false word.” The vicar also denounced the abuse of water tankers: “Even today in 2024, it pains me to see that there are those who profit from the lack of water. There is a black market for water in Caltanissetta and in a time like this we need to help each other, not exploit each other.”

Among the interventions were those of the Pd municipal councilor Carlo Vagginelli and the former mayor, now municipal councilor Roberto Gambino. “We want water but also transparency – Vagginelli said – we still see a shifting of responsibilities. The ATI is the public entity responsible for governing the water service. And we ask them to convene the president of the Region Schifani. We have invited him to municipal councils but he has never shown up. At this point, it should be the mayors who ask him.”

“We have dams without purifiers and purifiers without dams – echoed Gambino – a situation that speaks for itself. Efficient infrastructure is needed.”

A Caltanissetta sit-in per l’acqua, turni di erogazione ogni 6 giorni

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