Caltanissetta: protocol agreed between police and municipality to prevent cybercrime

In the headquarters of the municipal building of Caltanissetta, the protocol of understanding for the prevention and contrast of cybercrime to protect information systems was signed between the police, with the cyber security operational center – postal police and communications of Western Sicily, and the Municipality of Caltanissetta.

The agreement aims to share and analyze information capable of preventing and contrasting attacks or damages to the information infrastructures of the Municipality of Caltanissetta. The protocol of understanding signed by the head of the operational center, Carmine Mosca, and the head of the technological innovation and cybersecurity service of the Municipality of Caltanissetta, Diego Peruga, aims to create a synergy between the two administrations that will allow mutual and timely notifications in order to address emergency situations that arise from threats, vulnerabilities, or incidents that could damage the regularity of telecommunications and generate a disruption of public utility services or the theft of sensitive data.

“The protection of critical computerized infrastructures that provide essential services, such as those provided in the particular context by the Municipality of Caltanissetta – explained Carmine Mosca- is one of the specific assets of the postal police, which operates centrally with the national center for cybercrime prevention to protect critical infrastructures and locally with operational units for cybersecurity. The signing of the protocol aims to strengthen the network for preventing cyber attacks on critical infrastructures by offering a more effective and targeted response to counter any form of unauthorized access with the aim of disrupting public utility services or illegally extracting sensitive information.”

“The cooperation – emphasized Diego Peruga – aims at the prevention and repression of cybercrimes, inspired by the principle of participatory security, with the intention of securing the country’s resources synergistically and efficiently for the benefit of the entire community, contributing to the containment of operational costs resulting from interruptions of services provided through information and telecommunications systems. This operational collaboration model allows for the prevention and contrast of cybercrimes targeting the complexity of critical information systems and services of this entity, to the advantage of operators and users.”

Caltanissetta, sottoscritto un protocollo d’intesa tra la polizia e il Comune per la prevenzione e il contrasto dei crimini informatici

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