Businesses impacted by mafia raid in Nebrodi: “Crucial for entrepreneurs to report”

The anti-mafia operation carried out in the province of Messina, “represents once again a strong and important signal of the State’s presence in the territory.” This is stated by Giuseppe Scandurra, national vice president of Sos Impresa-Network for Legality. “We are particularly grateful to the investigators – he adds – who, in illustrating the details of the brilliantly conducted operation to the media, have not failed to emphasize the fundamental importance of the denunciation by dozens of entrepreneurs who, on this occasion as on others, have shown courage by relying on the police forces, denouncing abuses and intimidations suffered for a long time, thus contributing in a decisive manner to putting a brake on the criminal system.”

Sos Impresa sul blitz antimafia nei Nebrodi: «Fondamentali le denunce degli imprenditori»

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