Brolo, drunk driver swerves in A20 tunnels

Explain the following article briefly:

“A man was stopped by the Highway Police from the Sant’Agata di Militello detachment yesterday on the stretch of motorway between Messina and Brolo, after his car was noticed to be driving in an abnormal and dangerous manner, especially inside tunnels with two-way traffic. The driver was dangerously switching between his lane and the lane reserved for oncoming traffic, creating significant risks for vehicles coming from the opposite direction. Considering the dangerous situation, the patrol, following safety procedures, managed to pull over the vehicle in a rest area to subject the driver to a breathalyzer test. It was discovered that the driver, a forty-year-old man, had a very high level of alcohol in his body, equal to 2.74 g/l. The car was seized, the driver’s license was revoked and suspended, and the driver was investigated for drunk driving and faces a fine of 2,000 to 9,000 euros, a prison sentence of 8 to 16 months, license suspension for up to 3 years, vehicle confiscation, and a deduction of 10 points.”

Brolo, totalmente ubriaco alla guida fa improvvisi cambi di corsia nelle gallerie dell’A20

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