Boy on school trip falls on Etna, rescued

The military of the Guardia di Finanza of Nicolosi and technicians of the Etna Sud station of the Sicilian Mountain and Speleological Rescue were called to rescue a boy who was injured after a fall in the area in front of Rifugio Manfrè, on the southern slope of Mount Etna, in the territory of Belpasso. As a heavy snowfall began and the weather conditions worsened, the boy, who was part of a school group on an educational field trip, was reached by rescue teams from Cnsas Sicilia and Sagf of the Guardia di Finanza, who immobilized him and placed him on a stretcher. He was then taken to an ambulance from the 118 emergency service and transferred to the emergency room.

Ragazzino in gita scolastica cade sull’Etna, soccorso

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