Borsellino Investigation: Prosecuting Lawyer Di Gregorio Claims “Scarantino was blackmailed”

Vincenzo Scarantino, a false collaborator in the investigation of the bombing of judge Paolo Borsellino, has been blackmailed and pressured by investigators. Lawyer Rosalba Di Gregorio, representing three of the wrongly accused in the case, has appealed against the court’s decision to dismiss the charges against the police officers involved in the manipulation of the investigation. Scarantino, who is described as mentally unstable and vulnerable to manipulation, was coerced into falsely implicating others. The lawyer also criticizes the magistrates for their negligence in handling evidence and their failure to uphold the truth. The victims of this false collaboration have suffered greatly, including deprivation of freedom and damage to their personal and family lives.

Depistaggio Borsellino, l’avvocato di parte civile Di Gregorio: «Scarantino fu ricattato»

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