Bit di Milano, successful project showcasing the Best of Western Sicily

The best of Western Sicily was the protagonist of the forty-fourth edition of the Bit, the International Tourism Exchange that concluded in Milan. Eight partners, under the banner of “The Best of Western Sicily,” showcased the beauties of their territories, tourism promotion strategies, and upcoming initiatives to attract visitors and highlight the rich cultural, historical, and natural heritage of the region. The project, created by the agency Feedback from Palermo, promoted the municipalities of Alcamo, Castellammare del Golfo, Favignana-Egadi Islands, Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, Pantelleria, San Vito Lo Capo, and Coop Culture at Bit. The stand at the fair was inspired by the colors of the island and focused on sustainability, using recycled materials to reduce environmental impact. Valentina Caruso, a journalist from Rai and Sky, led the program.

During the Milan trip, Eataly Milano Smeraldo hosted Girofest, a special initiative dedicated to promoting Girotonno and the Cous Cous Fest. This event showcased the red tuna from Carloforte in Sardinia and the couscous from San Vito Lo Capo, both born from territorial marketing projects by Feedback. Institutional guests, industry journalists, bloggers, and influencers including Chiara Maci, Roberto Giacobbo, Giusina in cucina, and Fabrizio Nonis tasted the creations and learned more about these two flagship events from the Italian islands.

The Cous Cous Fest was also presented as a successful case study at the Master in Food & Wine Communication at Iulm in Milan. The mayor of San Vito Lo Capo, Francesco La Sala, and representatives from Bia Cous Cous and the BF spa group discussed the synergies between industry, promotion of excellent products, and territorial development.

Bit di Milano, è grande successo per il progetto The Best of Western Sicily

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