Bishop Raspanti encourages priests in Acireale: “Don’t be discouraged by changes”

The church of Acireale is preparing to welcome the bishops and priests of Sicily. In the diocese of Acireale, on Tuesday, May 28, in the sanctuary of Santa Maria di Valverde, in the homonymous town, the XXXII Marian priestly day organized by the Sicilian episcopal conference will take place. Expected in Valverde are all the bishops of Sicily and numerous priests from the island, who will respond to the invitation of Bishop Antonino Raspanti, president of the Sicilian episcopal conference and bishop of the diocese of Acireale, who addressed his brothers in announcing the location of the priestly day: “It will be an occasion for fraternity and dialogue on service to the church, in line with the synodal path.” Therefore, discussions will focus on synodality and ongoing cultural changes. The bishop concludes with an invitation to take refuge in the hope represented by the icon of Mary of Valverde. The meditation of the day, “Mary, the mother of discernment present in the cenacle in Jerusalem,” will be led by Bishop Erio Castellucci, vice president of the Cei for northern Italy and archbishop of Modena-Nonantola and Carpi. Since 2022, he has been the president of the national committee for the synodal path.

Sacerdoti a rapporto ad Acireale, il vescovo Raspanti: «Non lasciamoci scoraggiare dai cambiamenti»

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