Bishop of Syracuse: Ensure right to health, prioritize common good

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“In order for a society to be humane, it must prioritize individuals over statistics, charity over likes, and real encounters with others over sterile views, which often indicate endless loneliness.” These are the words of the Archbishop of Syracuse, Francesco Lomanto, in his speech from the balcony for the Feast of the patronage of Santa Lucia, which commemorates the miracle of 1646, when the martyr saved Syracuse from a terrible famine.

“We, who look with admiration and devotion to Santa Lucia, want to commit ourselves, like her, to planting the seed of hope in our society, which risks losing itself in the cold calculations of algorithms and artificial intelligence,” Lomanto continued. “We must bet and return to building from the simplicity of the heart, living in communion with each other.”

“Politics,” he added, “must always serve the common good, aiming for a solidarity economy that is attentive to those in need, because if the weakest is protected, society as a whole benefits. Healthcare should prioritize the dignity of the individual and guarantee equal access to healthcare for all with suitable structures, such as the hoped-for construction of the new civic hospital in Syracuse. It is urgent to think together, plan together, draw paths of peace, work for the good of all, committing ourselves to social promotion with the intelligence of the heart and not delegating to artificial intelligence.”

Il vescovo di Siracusa: «Sia garantito il diritto alla salute e la politica si occupi del bene comune»

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