Big data and relationships, the two theses awarded by the Lumsa department in Palermo

The article discusses the awarding of the Best Theses prize for the best master’s theses in Economics and Management at the Lumsa department in Palermo. Two students were awarded for their theses focusing on big data analytics in improving digital customer relationship management and the analysis of coopetitive relationships through real options. The prizes, sponsored by Riolo Group, were presented by Iolanda Riolo in the presence of family members, students, and graduates. The event aims to encourage excellence and improvement in students, with a focus on preparing young talents for a constantly evolving world. Riolo emphasizes the importance of supporting young women in business, symbolically passing the torch to future female managers in Sicily. The article includes a photo of the award ceremony with Minà, Paternostro, Castronovo, Badagliacca, Riolo, and Dagnino.

Big data e relazioni, le due tesi premiate dal dipartimento Lumsa di Palermo

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