Barreca’s call to 112 after Altavilla massacre: “Spirits blocked my car”

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Where he was and what he did during that 12-hour blackout is still to be discovered. However, the call to 112 is on record, made on February 11 at midnight and 37 minutes, in which Barreca reported having exterminated his family in the name of God. “Good evening, I have to surrender. Even if I tell you why, you won’t believe it. I’ll tell you anyway… believe it or not… When one wants to do God’s will, the spirits rebel. My wife was possessed. In practice, my wife is dead. I had to run away, the demons are also eating me. The spirits even blocked my car and I’m here in Casteldaccia. I have my son, two dead and one I left there. The spiritual world is not like the carnal world, understand?” is the content of the mad discussion with the carabinieri during which, among religious ravings, he confessed to having killed his wife and two children.

The operator, who initially answered annoyed by what seemed like the call of a madman, was still (and rightly) incredulous and perplexed: “Yes, so you want to surrender because?” But – if possible – the answer was even more confused and chilling: “I’m here in Casteldaccia! I called and they gave me the thing in Casteldaccia. The spirits even blocked my car, in fact because they don’t want me to go on to do God’s will. I left my daughter and she was also possessed – he said between tears – my little son is dead.”

At this point, the emergency operator realized that something was wrong and explained that they would soon come to pick him up. As soon as he was located, the soldiers immediately went to the villa in Altavilla Milicia finding themselves facing an incredible scene: in the bedroom there was little Emanuel covered with a sheet, Kevin was in the living room behind the sofa tied hands and feet behind his back with a chain. Barreca, in a moment of lucidity, revealed that he had burned his wife’s body in the garden while the carabinieri had to force open a bedroom door to discover that the seventeen-year-old daughter was unharmed and sleeping.

The girl is locked in a section of a female prison outside of Sicily: as a witness to the barbarities, as the days passed, the investigations revealed that she had participated in the tortures and murders of her mother and brothers. The prosecutor for minors, Claudia Caramanna, who is supposed to carry out a survey of the house of horrors today, has decided to listen to her only after the verification of her phone is completed, particularly analyzing messages, chats, and movements to understand to what extent she told the truth. Meanwhile, the carabinieri of the Scientific Investigations Department in Messina are analyzing the clothes piled on the bed and the objects seized in the two-room apartment in via dell’Arancio, in Sferracavallo, where Massimo Carandente and Sabrina Fina lived, which may have been used by the couple in the days of the massacre.

La telefonata di Barreca al 112 dopo la strage di Altavilla: «Gli spiriti mi hanno bloccato pure la macchina»

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