Barcelona family of sailors rescued at sea off Pantelleria: 5-month-old baby onboard

Saved thanks to the timely intervention of the soldiers on a Coast Guard patrol boat, an entire family was rescued aboard a boat at the mercy of the waves off the coast of Pantelleria. The family, composed of five people, found themselves in difficulty due to rough seas and winds reaching 40 kilometers per hour. Among the rescued individuals were two children, one of whom was just five months old.

It happened yesterday (May 5) around 3pm when the Pantelleria Coast Guard operations center received a distress call from a boat that was beginning to take on water. The distressed boat was approximately 7 miles from the coast.

The rescuers managed to bring the five occupants of the boat on board the patrol boat, despite the challenging weather conditions. The five people were then safely transported to the port of Pantelleria and taken to the emergency room at the Nagar hospital where they received initial medical treatment. Their conditions are not serious.

Barca in balìa delle onde, famiglia di diportisti salvata al largo di Pantelleria: a bordo anche un bimbo di 5 mesi

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