Aurelio Grimaldi’s film on cover-up of Via D’Amelio, 62 years after The Leopard, filmed in Ciminna.

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The town of Ciminna will be transformed into an open-air film set starting from Monday, May 20, for the filming of scenes from the movie “Il depistaggio” directed by Aurelio Grimaldi. The film is about the bombing in Via D’Amelio where judge Paolo Borsellino and five members of his escort were killed. The film is produced by Movie 4.0 and Arancia cinema. The mayor of Ciminna, Vito Filippo Barone, stated that the film industry is a great opportunity to promote and enhance the town. The production will also involve locals in the filming process. Aurelio Grimaldi is currently filming scenes in Palermo and Termini Imerese. The cast includes Tuccio Musumeci, Nino Frassica, Tony Sperandeo, and other well-known actors. The mayor of Ciminna is looking forward to hosting more film events in the future to promote the town further.

Ciminna set a cielo aperto, 62 anni dopo Il Gattopardo si gira il film di Aurelio Grimaldi sul depistaggio di Via D’Amelio

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