Attempted theft at Caritas in Aci Catena, parish priest urges respect for places aiding the needy

Attempted theft at the church of Santa Maria dell’Indirizzo in Aci Catena. According to an initial reconstruction, some unauthorized individuals attempted to break into the premises of the Caritas, attached to the church – a branch of the community Maria Santissima della Catena – with the intention of stealing goods destined for the poor or damaging the property.

After alerting the carabinieri and conducting the inspection, Father Carmelo Sciuto expresses his regret: “I am sorry to learn that there was a probable theft attempt at our Caritas premises. It is important that we all respect the places and spaces dedicated to those in need of our help. I thank the law enforcement and especially those who dedicate themselves to providing support to those in difficulty. The doors of our Caritas are always open to anyone in need.”

Father Orazio Tornabene, director of the diocesan Caritas, expresses his solidarity with the community of Aci Catena: “We are saddened by the events in Aci Catena. Let us never give in to these forms of illegality that detract from the sacrifices and generosity of an entire parish community.” Father Carmelo Sciuto adds: “In any case, we will continue to keep the doors open for those in need of help.”

Tentato furto alla Caritas di Aci Catena, il parroco: «Rispettare i luoghi dedicati a chi ha bisogno di aiuto»

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