Astli project in Partinico: educational farm program “From care to caring”

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A day dedicated to greenery and respect for the environment for 33 children and their families involved in the project “From care to taking care” of the Sicilian association against childhood cancers and leukemia. All together at the didactic farm Augustali, in Partinico, to rediscover the benefits of outdoor life and a healthy and balanced diet. This time the project, funded by the Ministry of Social Policies, like in other phases, calls the youngest, former cancer patients cured and dealing with a return to normalcy.

An event awaited after the long months of therapies passed in the hospital corridors that inevitably reduce socialization opportunities. The children, accompanied by parents and Aslti volunteers, in addition to tasting organic foods and citrus fruits, took part in a guided tour of the farm, helping to milk and feed the animals, and also learned the secrets of a good farmer, through an educational path that marked the various moments of the day.

“The ‘green’ educational path for the children who are the protagonists of our project – underline Antonella Gugliuzza and Ilde Vulpetti, president and director of the operational area of Aslti – is an initiative that we strongly wanted because it embraces the attention that our association has always had for environmental issues, to the aspects of socialization that include our operators but above all the former young patients and their families after the difficult period of the illness.”

In recent months, the children have taken canoeing courses, football, participated in the baptism of flight flying over Palermo in collaboration with the Beppe Albanese flying club, in Boccadifalco, and experienced the thrill of a ride in a Ferrari with the Ferrari Club Palermo.

A Partinico il progetto Astli con il percorso didattico in fattoria «Dalla cura al prendersi cura»

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