Assets of Mario Marchese, Palermo mob boss, transferred to State

The investigative unit of the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Palermo executed a provision issued by the Court of Palermo – prevention measures section, with which, by order of the Court of Cassation, the confiscation of first degree issued in February 2022 was declared irrevocable. As a result, the assets attributable to the heirs of Mario Marchese, who died on April 14, 2016, have definitively become part of the State’s assets. Marchese, born in Monreale on January 1, 1939, was already convicted in the maxi-trial against Cosa Nostra. More recently, he had returned to assume a managerial role within the Mafia district of Villagrazia Santa Maria di Gesù, as emerged from the precautionary order of the Court of Palermo of March 11, 2016, issued shortly before his death. The probative framework collected in the context of the asset investigations, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, was able to demonstrate that the assets originally owned by Mario Marchese and later by his heirs were actually the result of his illicit activities, thus allowing the Court of Palermo to issue today’s irrevocable confiscation order concerning the following assets: · two villas in the Villagrazia area of Palermo · individual business located in Palermo engaged in fuel distribution and related business assets.

Passano allo Stato i beni di Mario Marchese, il boss palermitano di Villagrazia

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