Assault in Catania, massive brawl erupts at Caffè Europa: venue destroyed, investigations underway

Explanation: The article describes a brawl that occurred at Caffè Europa in Catania. Four people entered the establishment and attacked a customer who was sitting with other people. Punches and kicks were thrown, and plates, glasses, and other items on the tables outside were damaged. There was also damage to a gas stove. It appears to have been a retaliatory attack. Police arrived on the scene, but the attackers had already fled and there was no sign of the victim. The police checked hospitals for anyone seeking treatment for injuries from the attack, but no one came forward. Investigators are reviewing surveillance footage from nearby businesses. The reasons for the brawl are still unknown, but witnesses say there were insults and provocations before the violence erupted. Two people were reportedly injured, but no one has sought medical treatment or reported the incident.

Aggressione a Catania, scoppia una maxi rissa al Caffè Europa: devastato il locale, indagini

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