Arrested: Two minors demand money for stolen scooter in Palermo

In Palermo, two minors have been arrested for extortion. The young suspects attempted a “return horse” scheme, where they demanded money in exchange for a stolen scooter from the owner. The 20-year-old victim, who had his motorcycle stolen, refused to give in to the blackmail and reported it to the police. The police officers hid near the exchange location, and as soon as the young suspect handed over the requested 500 euros, they made the arrest. Two young women who acted as intermediaries between the victim and the alleged extortionists were also reported. The arrests were validated by the judge for the Palermo Juvenile Court, and the suspects were taken to the juvenile correctional facility. The motorcycle and the money were returned to the victim.

Palermo, due minorenni chiedono soldi in cambio dello scooter rubato: arrestati

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