Arrest made after stolen van causes accidents in Catania, injuring drivers and officers

In Catania, a 19-year-old boy, the recipient of a precautionary custody order in a juvenile detention center, was arrested by the police after stealing a van on Armando Diaz Street. Intercepted on Corso Indipendenza, he was stopped at the end of a chase on Palermo Street after damaging some cars by rear-ending them along the way, also injuring some drivers who had to seek treatment at the emergency room. The two officers chasing him also suffered injuries deemed to be recoverable in 7 and 30 days.

The young man was charged with aggravated theft and resistance to a public official and, in compliance with the order he was subject to, was taken to the juvenile detention center in Bicocca. The local police conducted investigations into all the incidents caused during the chase and identified the individuals involved. The van was returned to its rightful owner.

Causa incidenti col furgone rubato a Catania, arrestato dopo un inseguimento: feriti automobilisti e poliziotti

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