Architect, radiology technician, farmer: who are the three supporters of Messina Denaro

The latest arrests made by the ROS in the search for supporters of Matteo Messina Denaro’s fugitive status, took place in Campobello di Mazara. A town where the boss had been living for some time and where he knew he could rely on a circle of people who would never betray him.

Massimo Gentile, 51 years old, is an architect and has been working as the head of the public works department at the Municipality of Limbiate in the province of Monza-Brianza since 2018, where he moved the following year. He had previously owned a real estate agency in Tre Fontane and a restaurant-pizzeria. Since this morning (March 27), he is in prison along with Cosimo Leone’s brother-in-law, 56 years old, both accused of mafia association.

Architect Gentile, originally from Campobello di Mazara, is also a second cousin of the killer Salvatore, husband of Laura Bonafede (Messina Denaro’s lover), who has also been in prison since last year.

Leone lives in Campobello di Mazara, is a radiology technician at the Abele Ajello hospital in Mazara del Vallo. According to investigators, he plays an important role in the healthcare process. Messina Denaro found out about his tumor from a colonoscopy performed in Marsala on November 3, 2020, and on November 6, he managed to immediately see a surgeon at the hospital in Mazara del Vallo and be hospitalized on November 9 for surgery. Always accompanying him was Andrea Bonafede, a municipal worker from Campobello who has been arrested and already convicted. But the key figure would have been Leone himself.

Finally, Leonardo Gulotta, a 31-year-old farmer, is accused of external involvement in mafia association and he is the one who allegedly provided the boss with his phone line for certain communications.

Un architetto, un tecnico radiologo e un agricoltore: chi sono i tre fiancheggiatori di Messina Denaro

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