April in Palermo Forum: 4 free events dedicated to health prevention.

The Forum Palermo shopping center, in collaboration with the Lions Club of the First District, is offering appointments dedicated to disease prevention throughout the month of April. The visits will be free and will take place every Saturday, specifically on the 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th.

Screenings will be conducted both inside the shopping center, with a gazebo set up, and outside, where a camper will be stationed. A team of specialized doctors will be available to explain the importance of prevention in order to quickly obtain an early diagnosis for adults and children.

The screenings will kick off on April 6th with hearing and vision tests. On April 13th, there will be appointments for cardiac exams and diabetes prevention, with specific tests available. Additionally, outside the Forum Palermo there will be a blood donation bus from ADVS to raise awareness for blood donation, with the collected blood going to the Villa Sofia Hospital in Palermo.

The calendar of free visits will continue on April 20th with a focus on dermatological screenings. The health appointments will conclude on Saturday, April 27th with promotion of oncological screenings in collaboration with Asp 6 of Palermo. A gazebo will be set up for visitors to book their own screenings and receive helpful information on prevention and achieving a healthier lifestyle through proper nutrition.

For those who want to reach the shopping center using environmentally friendly public transportation, they can take Tram Line 1 (branded for the entire month of April with a new spring/summer campaign) which departs from Central Station and reaches Roccella, with a stop located inside the shopping center’s parking lot.

Al Forum Palermo aprile è il mese della prevenzione: 4 gli appuntamenti gratuiti dedicati alla salute

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