Applying mafia victim family support laws to work accident victims’ families

The President of the Productive Activities Commission of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Gaspare Vitrano of Forza Italia, proposes to apply the laws already in place for the families of the workers who died in the Casteldaccia incident at the sewer plant to the families of innocent victims of the mafia. He presented a bill to extend the benefits provided by the 1999 law to the families, including the surviving spouse, victim, parents, cohabiting partner, and orphans of the victims. Vitrano emphasizes the need for institutions to show concrete solidarity with the families who have lost loved ones and their only source of economic support. He believes that Sicily’s advanced laws for victims of violence can provide a response to these families, who have suffered a form of violence that is becoming a true emergency in Sicily.

Strage di Casteldaccia, Vitrano: «Applicare ai familiari delle vittime sul lavoro le norme per i familiari delle vittime di mafia»

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