Anti-Bridge Committee: No bulldozers or expropriations in July

Explain the article in English:

The article discusses the president of the Stretto di Messina, who has been spreading misleading information about the creation of a task force to deal with expropriations. This has sparked interest among professionals who see potential job opportunities, as well as among those facing expropriation who may benefit from individualized solutions. The article highlights the resistance of citizens and professionals in the area who are opposed to the construction of a bridge and are unwilling to leave their homes. It mentions individuals like Mariolina De Francesco and Rossella Bulsei who are standing their ground against the proposed expropriation plans. The article emphasizes that for many citizens, their homes hold sentimental value beyond monetary worth, and they are not willing to compromise their values for the sake of infrastructure projects.

Il comitato anti Ponte: niente ruspe o espropri a luglio

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