Another shipwreck off the coast of Lampedusa, among the three missing is also a 4-month-old baby

There is also a 4-month-old newborn among the three migrants who went missing at sea during the rescue operations of the Trotamar III. In the Sar area, the sailboat of the German NGO People in motion, as soon as it spotted the boat full of migrants, provided life jackets to some of the people. This was done while waiting for the arrival of the coast guard patrol boat. However, the migrants became agitated and tried to approach the NGO sailboat, falling into the sea. The crew saved 44 migrants, but three people – two men and a 4-month-old newborn from Guinea traveling with their mother – were not recovered.

Search operations, with Coast Guard patrol boats, are ongoing. What happened in international waters is another case: on March 25, after the rescue of a cargo ship, 3 young people fell into the sea and were never found. The day before, a 15-year-old from Guinea who fell into the water was considered missing, and on March 23, a 15-month-old baby, after a shipwreck off the coast of Lampedusa, was not recovered.

Ancora un naufragio a largo di Lampedusa, tra i tre dispersi c’è anche una neonata di appena 4 mesi

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