Another Palermitana in Rome Internationals: Anastasia Abbagnato earns access to qualifications.

Explained in brief, the article discusses two young tennis players from Palermo, Italy, who will be competing in the upcoming Internazionali Bnl d’Italia at the Foro Italico in Rome. Giorgia Pedone, ranked 276th in the world, received a wildcard entry into the main draw, while Anastasia Abbagnato, ranked 506th, secured a place in the qualifiers after winning a match against Eleonora Alvisi. Abbagnato will also compete in the doubles final. Last year, only one Sicilian player participated in the tournament, but this year there are two young players from Palermo. Abbagnato won her matches in the pre-qualifying tournament, and will face another opponent in the final match.

Tennis, un’altra palermitana agli Internazionali di Roma: Anastasia Abbagnato conquista l’accesso alle qualificazioni

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