Another child falls from a balcony in Borgo Vecchio, Palermo.

Another child has fallen from a balcony in Palermo. It happened in Via Ettore Ximenes, in the Borgo Vecchio area. The one and a half year old boy fell from a first floor apartment. When the alarm was raised, the emergency medical personnel from 118 arrived, who had previously intervened in Corso dei Mille for another child who had fallen from a balcony. The little boy is not in serious condition; he was conscious despite the fall, but as a precaution, he was transported to Di Cristina with a red code.
On the other hand, the fall of the girl in Corso dei Mille has been much more serious. The girl, who was born in Germany to Palermo parents on vacation in Sicily, has suffered severe brain injuries and is currently hospitalized in intensive care with a reserved prognosis.

Palermo, un altro bimbo precipita da un balcone al Borgo Vecchio

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