Angelo Meli journalistic award at Failla Tebaldi School in Castelbuono

The Angelo Meli journalism award, promoted by the Pio La Torre study center, was awarded to the students of class 3D of the Failla Tebaldi institute in Castelbuono. The award is named after the journalist for the Giornale di Sicilia who passed away last year. Meli also curated the Asud’Europa magazine, published by the La Torre study center. The Failla Tebaldi students presented a paper on an exemplary case of managing a property taken from the mafia.

The award was presented by Mimma Argurio, general secretary of Fisac Cgil Sicilia, who recalled with emotional tones “the personal and professional figure of our friend Angelo Meli”, and by Roberto Gueli, president of the Sicilian Journalists’ Order. For Gueli, the purpose of the award corresponds to the goals of the Order committed to honoring the civic engagement of journalists killed in Sicily, to whom the same Order has also dedicated an exhibition.

Alla scuola Failla Tebaldi di Castelbuono il premio giornalistico Angelo Meli

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