Amam Messina reopens applications for 5 notices for graduates: how to apply

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The southern water company Messina (Amam Spa), the integrated water service management company, has reopened the application deadline for 5 selection notices for a total of 11 hires. Different professional profiles are requested for fixed-term positions and the required educational qualifications are a high school diploma, a secondary degree, and a university degree. Applications must be submitted by March 22.

The profiles being sought are: 1 lawyer – legal affairs and litigation manager 8th level Ccnl gas water (NOTICE); 1 engineer – technician – works assistant 6th level Ccnl gas water (NOTICE); 1 complaints office clerk 3rd level Ccnl gas water (NOTICE); 5 workers – meter reading and maintenance operators 2nd level Ccnl gas water (NOTICE); 3 workers in charge of purification plants 2nd level Ccnl gas water (NOTICE).

Candidates must have the following requirements: Italian citizenship or citizenship of another EU member state; not be excluded from active political suffrage; not have criminal convictions or ongoing criminal proceedings, not be interdicted from public office, not have been dismissed or removed from employment with a public company, not have been disqualified from a public position for obtaining it through false or invalid documents, not have been disqualified from professional registers, not be involved in any administrative or judicial proceedings resulting from professional assignments that have benefited Amam Spa within the last 12 months; suitability for the job without any health limitations.

Existing applications should not be resubmitted and will be considered valid. However, candidates can modify and/or supplement their already submitted application until the new deadline of March 22.

Amam Messina, riaperti i termini per partecipare a 5 avvisi per diplomati e laureati: come partecipare

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