Altavilla massacre: Criminologist Bruzzone on Barreca’s delusional belief his family is in paradise

Explained by Criminologist Roberta Bruzzone, the article discusses the unique case of the Altavilla massacre, focusing on the personalities involved. Bruzzone is part of the defense team for Giovanni Barreca, who is suspected of killing his family along with the couple Massimo Carandente and Sabrina Fina. The article addresses the influence of Fina and Carandente on Barreca, suggesting they played a significant role in the tragedy. The article also delves into Barreca’s delusional beliefs and his daughter’s involvement in the crime. Bruzzone emphasizes the religious fanaticism and lack of cultural understanding behind the massacre, as well as the significance of writings on the walls in the house. The article concludes with Bruzzone’s plans to further investigate the crime scene and clarify the different versions of the events.

Il massacro di Altavilla, la criminologa Bruzzone: «Il lucido delirio di Barreca, è convinto che la sua famiglia sia in paradiso»

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