Alia, a girl reports rape: 40-year-old worker in trouble.

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Aggravated sexual violence and personal injuries. This is the serious accusation with which a 40-year-old worker from Alia was arrested. Still, women continue to suffer violence and aggression. The man, known in the town, ended up in prison after a young woman detailed the serious abuses she had suffered to the carabinieri. In recent days, the precautionary measure for the forty-year-old has been attenuated. In fact, at the request of the defendant’s defense, represented by lawyer Salvatore Di Gioia, house arrest has been ordered by the Termini Imerese Court. The less severe measure after prison was requested by the defense of the suspect after the interrogation with the public prosecutor.

A serious incident that shocked the entire town. The arrest was carried out by the carabinieri of the Alia station led by marshal Alberto Castello. According to the accusation, the forty-year-old man violently forced the young woman to perform sexual acts, also causing her injuries to her hands, knee, and elbow. A brutal assault that occurred on January 26th around 8pm, while the woman was alone, on foot, near the municipal cemetery of Alia. An isolated area that favored the assault the worker is accused of.

In the space where the violence allegedly took place, there were no other people present who witnessed the events, the girl told the investigators. That evening, the young woman was returning to the town after taking a walk. The forty-year-old man, according to the girl’s account, waited for her arrival hidden behind bushes at the edge of the road, then followed her for a few meters and then grabbed her. The man, taking advantage of the darkness and isolated area, according to the accusation, immobilized the woman, holding her mouth shut so she wouldn’t scream, and dragged her onto a side street, where he allegedly used violence against her. The woman, who was blocked, tried to scream, but without success.

A violent assault that terrified the girl. Endless minutes for her. The man then fled, thinking he could get away with it. In the days following the abuse, the doors of the prison opened for him. The night of terror for the girl ended with a long escape after the assault. In fact, as soon as she was left by the attacker, she ran towards the town. In moments of agitation and above all fear, the woman recognized the face of the attacker, which she then described to the military who quickly tracked down the worker and arrested him. The victim said she knew her attacker by sight and had seen him around town.

Translated in English

Alia, una ragazza denuncia lo stupro: nei guai un operaio di 40 anni

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