Agrigento worker sentenced for sexual violence against 11-year-old girl

A 58-year-old worker has been sentenced to four years and eight months for sexual assault. The abuse, according to investigations, took place in Lampedusa against an eleven-year-old girl. The judge for the preliminary hearing of the Agrigento Court, Giuseppa Zampino, sentenced the man to eight months more than the four years requested by Deputy Prosecutor Maria Barbara Grazia Cifalinò, who had proposed four years of imprisonment at the end of the indictment.

The incident dates back to the end of 2022: according to the accusation, the worker was in the house to carry out repair works. Taking advantage of the absence of the parents, he allegedly tried to kiss the girl and touch her breast. It was the eleven-year-old who told her parents what had happened in the house, leading them to report everything.

The allegations were also confirmed during the evidentiary hearing, ordered by the investigating judge and conducted in a protected manner. The girl and her parents have joined the civil suit in the trial, represented by lawyer Simona Barba. The judge ordered damages of fifty thousand euros for the eleven-year-old and twenty thousand euros each for the father and mother.

Agrigento, operaio condannato per violenza sessuale su una bambina di 11 anni

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