Agrigento: stadium management bid revoked for review, changes needed

The article explains that the call for tenders for the management of the Esseneto stadium in Agrigento has been revoked. The sudden halt comes as a surprise as the tender was scheduled for April 11. The revocation was ordered by the head of the general affairs and legal department of the Agrigento municipality, Antonio Insalaco.

The reasons for the revocation in self-regulation are outlined in the document, stating that it is necessary to clarify the provisions of articles 177 and following of Legislative Decree 36/2023 in the tender documents. Article 177 regulates the awarding of a concession that “involves the transfer of an operational risk related to the realization of works or the management of services and includes a risk on the demand side or the supply side or both.”

New modifications will be made to the tender, which had already attracted criticism regarding the management years of the facility and the works to be carried out. The deadline for submitting applications was originally April 8 and the tender was scheduled for April 11. Everything will now be postponed, as a new tender will need to be prepared first.

Agrigento, revocato in autotutela il bando per la gestione dello stadio: occorrerà modificarlo

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