Agrigento ASP competition for administrative assistants reserved for protected categories: the announcement

The ASP of Agrigento has announced a competition, based on qualifications and exams, for administrative assistants, reserved for workers belonging to protected categories. The application must be submitted by April 22, 2024. As reported on the Company’s website, in implementation of Extraordinary Commissioner’s resolution no. 220 of January 30, 2024, a public competition, based on qualifications and exams, reserved for workers belonging to protected categories referred to in art. 18, paragraph 2 of Law no. 68/1999 and categories equated to them by law, for the full-time and permanent coverage of three positions of administrative assistants – in the healthcare sector.

The article also discusses the protected categories, which include individuals with disabilities, serious illnesses, and other forms of psycho-physical disabilities. To protect these individuals from discriminatory practices in the workplace, there are specific legal protections enshrined in the Italian Constitution. The law 68/99 of March 12, 1999 promotes employment through targeted placement and forms of economic incentives for companies that hire workers belonging to Protected Categories.

Candidates can participate only if they possess the general and specific requirements. General requirements include: Italian citizenship or citizenship of a member state of the European Union; physical fitness for the job and the task specific to the profile they are applying for; age not less than 18 years and not exceeding the retirement age set by the regulations; not having been dismissed from employment with a public administration; absence of criminal convictions.

Specific requirements include membership in protected categories, that is, registration in the lists referred to in art. I of law no. 68/99 at Employment Centers. All specific and general admission requirements must be met by the deadline for submitting applications.

The article also explains how to apply for the competition.

Asp Agrigento, concorso per assistenti amministrativi riservato alle categorie protette: il bando

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